The Seven Species

What are the Seven Species mentioned in the Bible?
Ages 6 and up

A Verse from the Newspaper

Find the letters of the verse in a magazine or a newspaper.
For children ages 4 and up

The Ten Virgins

What can we learn from the ten Virgins?
For Children 9 years and up

Daniel is in the Lions’ Den!

Help Daniel get out of the lions’ den and reach the king!
For children 2 and up

Holiday in the Month of Tshrei

Leviticus 23 describes the feast of the Lord. But there are a few words that we don’t really use today. What do they mean?
For children 7 and up

Fish Maze

Help Jonah get out of the fish’s belly!
For kids 4 and up

Jonah Escapes the Fish

Jonah was swallowed by a big fish!
For children 3 years and up

The Wordless Book

“I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” Genesis 9.13   As Shabbat or Sunday school teachers, our chief aim and desire is that our children would be saved and develop a personal relationship with God. It’s important that we take […]

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