This week’s Torah portion “Emor”: Revenge is the Lord’s

God is a God of justice. In this week’s Torah portion, He specifies the principles of how to administer proper judgment. Society must protect that one who has become a victim of wrongdoing. In this way we see God’s holiness as One who issues worthy penalty to the one who commits a crime. He also […]

Weekly Devotional on Holiness/Parashat “Kedoshim”

Three times in this week’s Torah portion, God calls His people to holiness because He Himself is holy. He is separate and different in His greatness and in His being from everyone and everything else that ever was, is, or will be. He is perfect and there is no sin in Him, and only He […]

Weekly Devo on Leprosy; Torah portion “Metzurah”

This week’s Torah portion speaks about leprosy, which reminds us very much of sin. Leprosy, like sin, begins and spreads very slowly, doesn’t hurt in its first stages, desensitizes and shuts down the senses, causes decay and distortion of the sick person’s body, and eventually it’s even difficult to identify the leper who has lost […]

Blow the Shofar

On the first day of the seventh month, you shall blow the trumpets!
For children 6 and up


How are we saved?
For children 7 and up

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