The New Year or What?

The markets are full of people buying apples, honey, beets, carrots, pomegranates, heads of fish, lamb and all the other ingredients needed to prepare the big feast for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. In the Mishna, in the chapter on the New Year, it is mentioned that there are four new years in the […]

Feast of Trumpets

What do we blow during the Feast of Trumpets? Why?
For children 3 and up

Blow the Shofar

On the first day of the seventh month, you shall blow the trumpets!
For children 6 and up

The Seven Species

What are the Seven Species mentioned in the Bible?
Ages 6 and up

Holiday in the Month of Tshrei

Leviticus 23 describes the feast of the Lord. But there are a few words that we don’t really use today. What do they mean?
For children 7 and up

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