The world drips its humanistic worldview in big huge blobs into the lives of our children. These blobs of lies splash and create horrible messes of their lives. If the world can do this, why can’t we drip the life-giving Word of God into the lives of our children?

In 2003 the first Yaldei-Ya magazine was published. The purpose of the publication was to give all children in Israel an opportunity to hear the gospel and learn from the Bible in a fun and inviting way. From day one the magazine was distributed free of charge, to make sure finances would not be a roadblock for children to hear of salvation and get into the Word of God.

Twenty years later, the magazine is still moving ahead, with new leadership but in full steam, four times a year like clockwork. A whole generation of children grew up on the magazine, and now their children are being nourished by it. The legacy of faith continues.

In each issue, there are articles on:

  • God’s creation (strengthening the Biblical worldview to contrast evolution)
  • Theology for children
  • Stories of everyday Biblical living
  • Bible games (and prizes for those who send in their answers)
  • Stories about heroes of the faith
  • Cartoons that talk about everyday things that happen to kids
  • More theology through cartoons
  • A poster with scripture to hang up in their room

…. And so much more!

Press here to see sample magazines (in Hebrew)

Press here to see the same articles in English and Spanish


Along with all this, we are developing a website for the magazine, so the children will have even more wholesome content right at their fingertips, at all times.

This is what parents and children have said about the magazine:

  1. The article hit home exactly where my son needed it. I hope he will take heed!
  2. Since the magazine has passed on to new leadership, the children were worried that Mica and Yotam (the characters in the cartoons) would disappear. They were so happy that they will continue to visit in every magazine. And the picture with the verse in the middle… the kids are excited!
  3. Our children received their first magazine, and they were so happy! They LOVED it!
  4. Our oldest son is so excited to go out to the mailbox to pick up his magazine!
  5. I love the articles in the magazine. I love telling other parents about it and urging them to sign up to receive their copy.         
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