The presence of God guided the people of Israel while in the desert as a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. They did not proceed in their wanderings to where or when or how they wanted to, but exclusively according to the direction of God. Every time the people set off, Moses declared, “Lord, rise up! Let your enemies be scattered. Let them run away from you”, and when the glory of God rested and they were to stop and set up camp, Moses exclaimed, “Lord, return. Return to the many thousands of people in Israel” (Numbers 10:35-36).

Do we also march, advance, stop and rest in our lives according to the direction of God? Do we encourage our children to listen carefully to the Lord and to act according to the direction of the Holy Spirit? He is faithful to lead us all the way, protect us from enemies and stumbling blocks, and to grant us victory and success, so that we will finish our life’s race with joy in His rest. Let’s pray and ask in faith “God, go before me and protect me. Be my confidence, my peace, and my rest. Amen!”

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